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Why Typescript? Is Typescript Frontend or Backend?
TypeScript is a programming language that was developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, meaning that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. One of the main goals of TypeScript is to add type checking and other features to...
Preparing for a Tech Due Diligence: Step-by-Step Guide for Startups
Tech due diligence can be a pivotal moment for your startup. Investors want a clear view of your technical foundation, product scalability, and security posture. If you're preparing for due diligence, this step-by-step guide will help you take concrete actions that...
Understanding Startup Maturity Stages: Funding & Due Diligence at Each Stage and What Makes it Different
The journey from innovation to a scalable, successful product is fraught with challenges, and the there are multiple models that offer a structured way to understand and address these obstacles. All the scientific models differs in understanding the maturity of the...
Work factor and money-based KPIs in technical teams: Putting a price tag on a line of code?
Credit: The title of this post is directly inspired by Oxford philosopher Michael Sandel’s lecture, Putting a Price Tag on Life. While the content here doesn’t draw from the lecture itself, there is an intriguing parallel: just as the value of life defies simple...
Outsourcing in Dev Teams: A Blessing or a Curse?
Outsourcing in software development is a widely debated practice, with some companies viewing it as a necessary step to scale and save costs, while others approach it with caution due to potential risks. Whether it's a blessing or a curse often depends on how...
Former-developers Code Ownership: Governance’s First Enemy
Identifying Former Developers and Their Code Contributions Former developers are individuals who have left an organization but still hold significant ownership of parts of the codebase they contributed to while employed. Despite no longer being part of the active...
A Technical Due Diligence Guide for Investing in Software Teams
Whether you're performing a routine audit and preparing for a major transformation in your own company, or an investor looking into a partnership's potentiality, understanding the technology ecosystem's key components can provide vital insights. This guide will help...
Licensing assessment in Tech Due Diligence: MIT vs GPL vs LGPl vs AGPL vs Mozilla (MPL) vs Apache vs BSD
In today’s software landscape, open-source software (OSS) has become an integral part of development practices, offering developers access to a vast array of libraries, frameworks, and tools. However, using open-source code comes with legal obligations, specifically...
Understanding Software Bill of Materials (SBOM): A Crucial Tool in Software Supply Chain Security
Managing and securing code involves more than just internal development processes; With software increasingly relying on third-party libraries, open-source components, and cloud-based services, understanding the entire software supply chain has become essential. This...